Remember the movie Contact? In the opening scene,we see the character, played by Jodie Foster, sitting in front of gigantic satelite dishes aimed skyward, waiting and listening while electronic bleeps keep up a steady rhthm. The station sent signals out to the universe hoping for a response, just a little ping, from someONE or someTHING out there.

We send up prayer messages to God all the time, some are grateful, others might be frantic, begging him to be concerned about us. I think our cries to God are kind of like that—we want an ANSWER.

Early in my Christian walk, like about a day into it, I remember a friend mentioned that God told her something. I was baffled. How on earth did someone hear God’s voice?  How could they be sure? What do you mean, like in words? sounds? a conversation? She made it sound very real, personal and normal.  Then I wondered why that person heard God–what made them so special? Maybe I was afraid weird rituals might be involved. Now I know it is not weird, actually “hearing” from God is normal.

When we get an answer we might feel relief and a bit surprised. If we don’t get the answer we want we might feel slighted or even ignored.

What about when God takes the initiative and reaches out to us? Are we open?

A language for each of us

I believe God has a unique way to commune with each of us. Webster defines commune as “to communicate intimately.” He knows how we tick, what smacks us on the forehead. Some of us get revelations through nature, others through music, numbers, or literature. Words in a song jump out at us. Or a phrase in the Bible seems highlighted. Sometimes it’s just a whisper.

As artists of faith, we benefit by learning to understand HOW God speaks to each of us. In my case, God often provides messages to me through art, clouds and, surprisingly enough: traffics lights! It behooves me to understand why God speaks so clearly when I am driving. Maybe because I’m usually alone, which might be a factor.

His language for us is personal

The beauty of God’s language for each of us is that it is personal and customized. When I feel God present in the details of my life that are so miniscule, I am astonished. He knows what I want, not just what I need. I am amazed when he pulls back a memory from years before and makes it relevant to a situation today–how could He have known?

Then I remember, there is nothing hidden from his sight, he knows us better than we know ourselves. He cares for us with an intimate knowledge of who we are and what we value. That he inspires us with particulars is just shocking.

The Bible is the obvious way God speaks to us.  I have notes in the margins, underlined  words and phrases, starred comments, questions and small sketches. All these testify that I was engaging in a conversation, responding to something true.

A language for those who have ears

I have found the more we practice hearing, the more easily we comprehend the meaning and the significance of the message. I call it following the nudges. Take this road today, try this color, what about using this mark-making tool, check out that sunset, this book might be interesting for you.

Sometimes I go along with the nudges, and sometimes I think I know better. I usually realize I should have followed the nudge. Funny that the more anxious I feel the less likely I listen to the nudges. Then I make a mess or lose time, or find I’ve wasted a lot of energy on something that did not end well.

God is whispering truth

Being artists of faith, we need to figure out how ideas, solutions, or inspirations come to us. How do we feel peace and patience quieting our minds and hearts? It takes some time, effort and reflection on our part. Not to mention Trust. Not to mention Faith. Not to mention his promise—the gift of the Spirit that brings understanding. I believe God is whispering truth to us more than we know.

I think the language that God uses for each of us relates to what He designed us to be, and what he wants us to do with the gifts and talents he has bestowed on each of us. Once we get better at the language, it is the vehicle God uses to encourage us. The simple way God communicates with us belies the exponential complexity of the fact that it is real. It short-circuits my understanding.

How do you understand God’s whispers?

I suspect we have all experienced a time when we were certain God, in some way, was “speaking” to us. It could have been when a pastor was delivering a sermon, or it could have been via scripture, impulses while on a walk, an “aha moment,” listening to a song, through another person’s words, or seemingly out of nowhere.

Think of a time when you were certain that you got a message from God.

Where were you? In the car, in the art studio, in church, on a walk?

When did it happen? Hearing a pastor’s message, listening to a song or a podcast, during your morning devotions, reading the Bible, during a discussion with a friend, at a conference?

How did you understand the message? Through images, in words or feelings, an impression or idea that is one you would never have thought of, an outpouring of thoughts that came to you while you were journaling?

As an Artist of FAITH, be open. Look for the ways God communes with you. Be grateful and excited.

Let me know what you discover in the comments below.